

Unique Chinese tree blossomed in Sochi


Sinodjackia is endemic to Eastern China - that is, in natural conditions, it is found in a limited area within this region

Thousands of foreign tourists stranded in Nepal, including Russians


Thousands of foreign visitors have been stranded in Nepal until the end of May due to a quarantine announced by the country's government

Buses running on natural gas to be tested in Sochi


Buses fueled by natural gas will reduce the environmental burden and improve the quality of transportation

Festival "Summer in the Park" kick-started in Ryazan


The grand opening will take place in the Central Park of Culture and Leisure on May 15

Century-old wisteria blossomed in Sochi


Planted over 135 years ago, it is one of the oldest plants in the city

The Rosa Khutor resort in Sochi became the leader in the implementation of the all-Russian Dream League program


The Rosa Khutor resort in Sochi has become a leader in the implementation of the all-Russian program of therapeutic sports for children with special health capabilities, the League of Dreams

Rostourism and ARCHIWOOD announced a special prize for the best hotel made of wood


The best country hotel made of wood in Russia will be chosen by the jury for a new award established by the Federal Agency for Tourism (Rostourism) and the All-Russian Architectural Award ARCHIWOOD

The Prime Minister of Russia to conduct an audit and liquidation of all objects that threaten the environment


Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that the Cabinet is actively working on a "general cleaning of the country"

Sochi received more than 200k tourists during the 10 days of holidays in May


The total tourist flow to the Sochi Resort from 1 to 10 May amounted to 232,000 people

Rural tourism may be legalized in Russia


By the end of the spring session, the State Duma may adopt a bill "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Development of Rural Tourism (Agritourism)"

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