Buses fueled by natural gas will reduce the environmental burden and improve the quality of transportation. The new Volgabus 5270G2 cars are equipped with the most modern technology: fire extinguishing systems, video surveillance cameras covering the entire cabin and the surrounding area, electronic route indicators, as well as air conditioners with a climate control system.
«During the tests, we will be able to compare how the new equipment behaves in different conditions to make sure that the cars provide a modern level of comfort for passengers. As a result, a gas bus will appear in Russia, designed specifically for working on mountain roads in high temperatures,» said Roman Yurenev, director of passenger transportation at the National Transport Association.
So far, two buses have entered the line. One will work in the village of Lazarevskoye, the other - along the route that connects the center of Sochi and Lazarevskoye. The route was not chosen by chance: the path takes about two hours, most of it goes along a mountain serpentine.