"Wildlife Alliance" Formed in Greece

"Wildlife Alliance" Formed in Greece


Eleven Greek environmental groups have decided to unite in a common alliance. The name of the new union - "Wildlife Alliance" - reflects the main idea of the community members: the concentration of forces and resources for the protection and preservation of Greece's wildlife.

The main areas of activity of the "Alliance" include:

  1. Assisting in improving the management of protected areas
  2. Participating in conservation measures and wildlife restoration
  3. Promoting the reduction of harmful human impact on wildlife
  4. Engaging the economic and business sectors of the country in the implementation of conservation initiatives
  5. Increasing the level of knowledge necessary for developing effective nature conservation measures
  6. Cooperating with administrative bodies to harmonize the relationship between humans and wildlife

The coordinator of the coalition of environmentalists is the World Wildlife Fund's "WWF Greece" branch. Assistance to the "Wildlife Alliance" is also ready to be provided by: the "Anima" company, which is engaged in the treatment of wild animals; the "Archelon" group, which protects sea turtles; the Greek Ornithological Society; the Thrace Biodiversity Protection Society; the Prespa Protection Society; the Greek Institute of Speleological Research; the marine ecosystem protection group "iSea"; and "Medaset" - an association for the rescue of Mediterranean sea turtles.

In Greece, there are about 120 species of wild animals, over 400 species of birds, and more than 5000 species of plants, so there is plenty of work for everyone.

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