An integrated approach is required
Bekkhan Agayev
A State Duma deputy and member of the Committee for Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

An integrated approach is required

Russia is a real Klondike for ecotourism. EcoTourism EXPERT’s correspondent spoke with Bekkhan Agayev, a State Duma deputy and member of the Committee for Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, about the current state of this segment of Russia’s tourism industry and the problems to be solved for its development.

- What is the situation with ecotourism in Russia as a whole? Does it exist as a system or is fragmented, and is it developed by individuals only?

- Indeed, ecotourism in Russia is developing unevenly and is often fragmented. In some regions, such as Altai, Kamchatka and Baikal, there are successful examples of the development of ecotourism supported by local authorities and enthusiasts.

To lay out a systematic approach to the development of ecotourism, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 309 dated 07.05.2024 “On the National Goals in the Development of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030 and for the Future up to 2036” sets a target indicator and task, the implementation of which characterizes the achievement of the national goal - Environmental Well- Being, including the preservation of forests and biological diversity, the sustainable development of specially protected natural areas (SPNAs), and the creation of conditions for the development of ecotourism in all national parks.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Russia has enormous potential for developing the ecotourism due to its natural resources and the diversity of its ecosystems. However, to use this potential, it is necessary to improve the tourism infrastructure, increase the level of service and create favorable conditions for entrepreneurship in the ecotourism segment, and form a special environmental culture and improve the ecotourists’ awareness, as well as that of ecotourism organizations.

- The law on calculating the recreational capacity and planning the activities in national parks came into force a year ago. Is there already any law enforcement practice? How does the law work? Is it necessary to change anything in the approach to the development of ecotourism?

- Indeed, in 2023, the Russian Government approved the rules for calculating the maximum permissible recreational capacity of specially protected natural areas of federal significance, as well as standard rules for calculating that of SPNAs of regional and local significance. The Cabinet of Ministers also agreed on the procedure for calculating the minimum fee under an agreement on the implementation of recreational activities in a national park.

Every year, specially protected natural areas are increasingly popular with tourists, more travelers visit our national parks; in 2021, 10.6 million people visited them, but there were already 14 million tourists in 2022, and their number is growing.

Of course, it is important to regulate human impacts due to influence of man’s activities. When assessing the tourist capacity, the types of activities and the visitors’ number are taken into account, as well as recreational sustainability of natural complexes, the impact of the disturbance factor on animals; the experts assess noise and light pollution of the area caused by infrastructure facilities, the total burden over a certain period of time, and etc.

At the moment, law enforcement practice is at its initial stage. Some national parks have begun to implement visitor registration systems and develop management plans based on the new standards introduced. However, experts note the need to refine the methods for calculating recreational capacity and more clearly define the responsibilities of park management bodies. It is also necessary to train national park employees in using new approaches and technologies.

- The practice of illegal facilities appearing in specially protected natural areas still exists. How to combat it? Should penalties be used? Or should the number of foresters be increased? Should any other ways be used? What are they?

- Illegal facilities in protected areas remain a problem, although to a lesser extent, including due to the size of our vast specially protected natural areas. To prevent the problem of illegal facilities in protected areas, an integrated approach is under development aimed at solving the problem in the future.

Measures to solve the problem of illegal facilities in SPNAs traditionally include tightening the fines and strengthening control over the compliance with environmental legislation, increasing the number of inspectors and foresters and equipping them with modern monitoring tools, as well as actively involving the public and environmental organizations to identify various violations, and developing programs to make an inventory and evaluation of existing facilities for their compliance with the existing environmental standards and requirements.

- Improving the infrastructure for visitors coming to national parks requires quite a lot of money. How much money is required, are there any estimations? What are the sources of funding? How to control the expenditures?

- Indeed, improving the infrastructure, especially given the high environmental standards, requires significant investments.

According to the estimates by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, this work may require several tens of billions of rubles annually. Sources of funding may include the federal budget, regional programs, and private investments.

Control over the expenditure of funds is traditionally carried out through independent audits, the control and supervisory bodies, and with the help of public control, which ensures transparency and efficiency in the use of money.

- Russia may well be a real Mecca for ecotourists. What is still required for this? How to change the situation?

- Russia has an enormous potential for the development of ecotourism due to its diverse natural landscape, vast areas and unique ecosystems. The country is a leader in the world as for the area of ​​green spaces, national parks, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, and many other specially protected natural areas. These areas have a rich diversity of flora and fauna, including rare and endemic species.

According to UNWTO, ecotourism is one of the fastest growing segments of the global tourism industry. In Russia, this sector is also showing positive dynamics. According to the Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat), the number of visits to SPNAs in Russia has been steadily growing in recent years. This indicates a growing interest from Russian and foreign tourists.

The development of ecotourism in Russia can bring significant economic benefits, especially for remote regions where other forms of economic activity are limited. Ecotourism can provide new jobs and an increase in the standard of living. In addition, ecotourism helps in preserving the natural heritage through targeted investments in environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources.

However, a number of challenges must be overcome to be able to use the full potential of Russia as a center for ecotourism. These include improving the infrastructure, ensuring the availability of information for tourists, developing and improving services, as well as raising the level of environmental education of the population, their culture and awareness. Analytical assessments show that if current trends and strategies for sustainable development are taken into account, Russia can significantly increase its contribution to the global ecotourism market. This will require an integrated approach involving the state, business and public organizations to create favorable conditions and ensure effective management of natural resources. These issues have already been reflected in the national projects and they will be improved in the future.

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation is considering the establishing of a special agency for SPNAs and integrate its activities into the new national project - Environmental Well-Being. What functions can the agency have? Why is it necessary to set up a special agency at all?

- In my opinion, the establishing of a special agency for SPNAs is expected to ensure more effective coordination of activities within the framework of the new national project, Environmental Well-Being.

The main functions of the agency may include the development and implementation of strategies for the development of SPNAs, coordination of interaction between various governmental authorities and scientific and public organizations, monitoring the state of ecosystems and introducing innovative technologies in the management of SPNAs, attracting investment and international cooperation, as well as the systematic implementation of environmental programs and projects.

Establishing a special agency will allow to focus on solving highly specific problems related to the management of SPNAs and will increase the effectiveness of existing approaches to the development of ecotourism.
