Yoga Tours in Russia's Protected Areas

Yoga Tours in Russia's Protected Areas


The Russian Center for Protected Areas has compiled a list of specially protected natural areas that offer yoga tours and various relaxation programs for tourists.

"Unity with oneself, the world and nature can be achieved by visiting the reserves and national parks of our country. The trend towards a healthy lifestyle dictates the appearance on specially protected natural territories of special recreation zones, tours with elements of yoga, relaxation programs, meditative practices and allow you to combine outdoor recreation with thematic classes in different regions of our country," - the message on the website of the department says.

For example, the Sikhote-Alin Reserve, located in the Primorsky Territory, invites guests to yoga tours developed jointly with hatha yoga teachers.

"On the excursion routes, guests will find dawns on the берегу Японского моря and sunsets at Lake Blagodatnoe,observation of wild animals and the magic of the awakening nature. The services of the tour participants also include accommodation in secluded guest houses, a daily bathhouse and special meals," - noted in the Center for Protected Areas.

In the Bureinsky Reserve (Khabarovsk Territory) this year, yoga tours are held in June and July. Participants of the four-day retreat will live in a guest house on the Strelka cordon with a picturesque view, they will be offered vegetarian meals,a bathhouse, a gazebo for relaxation and games.

"Under the guidance of professional instructors, the guests of the protected area will do yoga in the fresh air, go on an exciting boat trip along the mountain river, get acquainted with the basics of proper nutrition, practice various breathing techniques, including "forest breathing", feel unity with nature during meditation on fire and water, and also practice relaxation techniques with singing bowls. The program is designed with an emphasis on a deep study of asanas, their meaning, technique of execution and influence on health," - the message says.

On the territory of the Pozarim Zakaznik of the Khakassky Reserve, a presentation of a new site - the "Journey to Yourself" retreat zone, equipped with comfortable decks and hammocks, was recently held. There you can calm the flow of thoughts, be in silence, concentrate on sensations, find harmony with yourself and the world, and take a break from the information noise, noted in the Center for Protected Areas.

The Lapland Reserve, located in the Murmansk Region, conducts a "Walking Meditation" excursion along the "Vdol Ozerka" trail. It will appeal to those who love comfortable leisurely walks, the beauty of northern nature and are interested in the history of these protected places.

The trail is equipped with a wooden boardwalk, gazebos and bio-toilets, has convenient exits to Lake Chuna and to the observation deck overlooking Baraniy Island. During the excursion, tourists can visit the apartment-museum of Oleg Semenov-Tyan-Shansky - a famous naturalist who devoted 60 years of his life to the Lapland Reserve.

"Visiting the "Vdol Ozerka" trail will allow you to feel the merger with nature. The trail gives you the opportunity to be alone with yourself, put your thoughts in order and at the same time learn a lot of interesting facts about northern nature,to better understand it. Guests of the reserve will learn why the names of natural objects in the reserve have preserved Sami toponymy, and the Chunozerskaya manor is called a place of power," - said the director of the Lapland Reserve Sergey Shestakov, quoted by the Center for Protected Areas.

The department reported that yoga tours are becoming increasingly popular every year in one of the most visited specially protected areas of Russia - the Krasnoyarskie Stolby National Park. They are held both in winter and in summer in the Narym scientific and educational complex. The "Travel with Meaning" project is suitable for people of any level of training and is a mix of yoga, practices, meditation, self-knowledge, immersion in their inner world through travel.

"At the Krasnoyarskie Stolby, we traditionally organize yoga tours on New Year's and Christmas holidays. In the Narym scientific and educational complex, our groups conduct incredible meditations under the falling snow, all this magic.Because yoga is not about the beach, the sun and mangoes, it is about a way of life, a special philosophy and spirituality.And since we live in Siberia, we also try to take the maximum from winter," - noted the organizer of "Travel with Meaning" Kristina Vtyurina, whose words are quoted in the message.

In the warm season, programs with elements of yoga and meditation are held in the national park in the fresh air against the backdrop of majestic rocks.

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