The largest eco-trail in Russia from Irkutsk to Ulan-Ude with a length of 500 km will be created in Siberia. Now the NGO National Trails of Russia is working on the first section of the route, which, according to Igor Bulygin, the head of the project, will run from the Baikal port to the village of Tankhoi and will unite seven trails of the Baikal Biosphere Reserve.
“Construction will be carried out on the basis of the Moscow highway, laid in 1730-1760, - said Igor Bulygin.
«We plan to create a year-round tourist ecological route between the Pribaikalsky National Park and the Baikalsky Biosphere Reserve.”
In his opinion, national trails are a good tool that works with anthropogenic pressure in all types of territories. They provide access and permeability to territories, becoming the most effective tools for the development of territories.
Now the country does not have a system of national trails, and there are only a total of 2.4 thousand kilometers, and the longest is only 120 kilometers. For comparison: in France 60 thousand kilometers of national trails, Japan - 26 thousand, in the United States - 80 thousand kilometers.