The Home of Nobel Laureate Ivan Pavlov to Be Restored in Ryazan

The Home of Nobel Laureate Ivan Pavlov to Be Restored in Ryazan

The house in Ryazan, where the future physiologist and Nobel Prize winner Ivan Pavlov spent his childhood and youth from 1849 to 1868, is set for restoration. The positive conclusion on the project for the preservation of this federally significant cultural heritage site has been announced by the Main State Expert Review Board of Russia.

"The approved project proposes repairs and restoration work while preserving the historical building in a state that is closest to its original condition," states the message on the agency’s website.

The I.P. Pavlov Estate is a memorial complex located in the historical center of Ryazan. The house where Pavlov grew up was built in the mid-19th century and became a museum in 1946. The street on which the building is located is named after the great scientist.

According to the Main State Expert Review Board, this house is one of the oldest wooden structures in Ryazan that has survived to this day.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov is the founder of the science of higher nervous activity and modern understanding of the digestive process, as well as the founder of Russia's largest physiological school. He is one of the scientists who laid the foundation for the reflexive nature of psychophysiological processes. Notably, he is known for distinguishing between conditional and unconditional physiological reflexes. His famous test subjects in experiments are the "Pavlov's dogs."
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