New Zealand to Triple Tourist Tax

New Zealand to Triple Tourist Tax


Reuters has reported that the New Zealand government has announced a nearly threefold increase in fees for foreign tourists. Starting October 1st, the entry fee to the country will be 100 New Zealand dollars, equivalent to approximately 62 US dollars. Revenue from the tourist tax is intended to be used for infrastructure development and environmental protection.

The Guardian reports that travelers from most Pacific countries, as well as Australia, are exempt from the fee.

Currently, the fee for travelers is 35 New Zealand dollars. This fee was introduced in 2019 as one of the measures to combat the impact of tourism on nature. The New Zealand government believes that increasing the fee will not lead to a decrease in tourist flow.

However, the country's Tourism Industry Association disagrees. They believe that high fees could deter tourists.Moreover, the country has yet to fully recover its tourism sector after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Reuters highlights that, according to data from New Zealand Statistics, tourism export earnings currently stand at 14.96 billion New Zealand dollars. This is 5% less than before the pandemic. However, the number of foreigners visiting the country this year has reached approximately 80% of pre-border closure levels.

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