Sochi has become the most "restaurant" city in Russia

Sochi has become the most "restaurant" city in Russia


 An unusual study was carried out in the Swip payment system. Within the framework of it, 50 large Russian cities were analyzed, using open data on the presence of catering establishments on the Internet and geoservices.

"Sochi took the first place, where there are more than six cafes or restaurants per thousand inhabitants. Makhachkala became the second with an indicator of 3.8 establishments. This is due to local cultural traditions and the popularity of eating out," the organizers of the survey explained.

Next in the ranking are Kaliningrad and Krasnodar with indicators of 3.1 and 3 catering establishments per thousand inhabitants, respectively. The top ten also includes Irkutsk, Tula, Vladivostok, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.

The lowest results were recorded in Orenburg, Ivanovo, Izhevsk and Ulyanovsk - about 1.3-1.2 establishments per 1000 people.

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