First Nesting of Eastern Heron Recorded in UAE Nature Reserve

First Nesting of Eastern Heron Recorded in UAE Nature Reserve

Source: Gulf news
Ornithologists in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have documented the first case of nesting by the Eastern Heron in the Al Marmoom Desert Conservation Area in Dubai. The reproduction of the Eastern Egyptian heron in this region is considered an unprecedented occurrence.

According to Reza Khan, a senior wildlife specialist at the Dubai Safari Park, "This is the first officially recorded case of breeding for this species of heron west of its usual range, which extends from New Zealand through Australia to South and East Asia." "It has not been found west of Pakistan," he explained.

The heron belongs to the genus Bubulcus Ibis and has two subspecies: western and eastern. As Reza Khan noted, all bird records in the UAE are maintained and updated on the website The eastern heron is considered a "vagrant" in the Emirates. "A vagrant is a migrant that rarely visits the country," he said. "The ornithological community in the UAE classifies a species as vagrant if it is recorded 20 times or fewer and occurs less frequently than annually. Such species typically require justification in the form of a rare bird report," he explained.

The Eastern Egyptian heron is regarded as the most populous bird in the heron family. Unlike the western variety, the eastern heron has a more elaborate breeding plumage. Its relatively short neck and bill, white plumage with reddish feathers on the head and chest, and bright yellow-orange bill allow even non-specialists to unmistakably identify the bird. This species is the most terrestrial among herons, having evolved away from the typical aquatic lifestyle of its family through natural selection. Its typical habitats are associated with open grassy areas, including regions with arid climates: meadows, marshes, steppes, and savannas.

In 2023, ornithologists separated the western heron into two species, elevating previously recognized subspecies to the status of two distinct species based on their geographical ranges, certain physical characteristics, and coloration. The western heron has a relatively shorter tarsus (the lower segment of the leg).

The Al Marmoom Reserve in Dubai is the first unfenced desert reserve in the UAE, covering over 40 hectares of desert shrubland and 10 kilometers of lakes. The reserve is home to 39 plant species, 26 reptile species, and nine mammal species. Additionally, it hosts 19 endangered animal species and flocks of 300-500 flamingos.

Herons first began breeding in the reserve in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. In March of this year, ornithologists observed an eastern heron among 400 western herons for the first time.

"By April, the eastern heron paired with a female western heron and laid two eggs in the nest," the scientist shared. "The chicks hatched as usual but died due to continuous rains." Later, at the same nesting site, he found two eastern herons. By June, they began building a nest and laid eggs. Of the hatched chicks, one survived and is expected to leave the nest soon.

"The incubation lasts about 23 days, and the chicks leave the nest at two weeks old, when they are still unable to fly. A month after hatching, the chick becomes independent from its parents," Reza Khan concluded. "Thus, the breeding of the eastern heron in the Al Marmoom Desert in Dubai marks the first such case."
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