Chinese Dates Ripen in Sochi

Chinese Dates Ripen in Sochi


You can find them on Mayors' Alley. The tree is wild, so the fruits are small.

"The reddish-brown drupes have sweet flesh. The plant has many beneficial properties. Since the fruits contain vitamins,minerals, and antioxidants, they are used to treat hypertension, insomnia, colds, and other diseases. They taste like unripe apples," said the Sochi National Park.

Jujube has been cultivated for over four thousand years. The tree grows in East and South Asia, India, and Afghanistan. It appeared in Europe at the end of the 19th century. The plant was brought to the Black Sea coast in the middle of the 20th century. Chinese dates have never been grown on an industrial scale in Sochi. Individual specimens can be found at experimental stations, in botanical gardens, and in private gardens.

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