VDNKh Launches Cinema Dinners in the World's Only Circular Film Theater

VDNKh Launches Cinema Dinners in the World's Only Circular Film Theater


VDNKh has announced the launch of a unique retro-evening format called "Cinema Dinner" in the historic "Circular Panorama" pavilion. This is the world's only operating circular film theater, where viewers can watch films projected in 360 degrees, providing a complete sense of immersion. The legendary pavilion, which opened in 1959 and was recently renovated, is now once again awaiting fans of the 1960s.

"Guests of the 'Cinema Dinner' will be shown two restored circular films: 'Take Us With You, Tourists!' and 'On the Road, On the Road!', created by director Igor Bessarabov and written by the famous actor and screenwriter Zinovy Gerdt. In 40 minutes, viewers will embark on a journey through more than 15 cities and republics of the USSR - from Moscow to Baikonur, from Oka to Tallinn, from Crimea to Samarkand, and even to Kamchatka," the VDNKh website reports.

Thanks to 11 screens, 9.5 meters high, fully corresponding to the original technology of the 1960s, viewers can immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a bygone era to the music of those years and the voice of Zinovy Gerdt.

In addition to film screenings, guests will enjoy an audio performance by People's Artist of Russia Yevgeny Styblov and radio host Yegor Serov. Visitors will also be able to view an exhibition with archival materials about the films, directors, and screenwriters whose works were once shown in the pavilion.

Guests will also get acquainted with the work of the projectionist operating the show and see the restored historical projectors. An important part of the retro-evening will be a lecture by a film critic.

As noted in the message, the "Cinema Dinner" combines the aesthetics of Soviet cinema with gastronomic discoveries for true gourmets.

"Throughout the evening, guests will be offered light snacks and drinks inspired by the places shown in the films, creating an even more complete immersion in the era," VDNKh reported.

"Cinema Dinner" takes place every Friday at 7 pm and is designed for an audience of 25 people. The ticket price is 5,000 rubles. Among the project partners are the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, Mosfilm, as well as the publishing houses Eksmo, Boslen, Podpisnye Izdaniya, and Krasny Kvadrat.

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