"Golden Turtle" Wildlife Festival to Open in Moscow on October 26

"Golden Turtle" Wildlife Festival to Open in Moscow on October 26

Source: https://goldenturtle.ru/photo

The international wildlife festival "Golden Turtle" will be held from October 26 to December 15. This year's competition saw the participation of over 3,500 authors from 109 countries, who submitted nearly 14,500 works. The best of these will be showcased in Moscow at the halls of the Union of Artists of Russia in the "New Tretyakov Gallery." The Russian Nature Reserve Center under the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia announced this on its website.

"Visitors to the exhibition can expect an exposition consisting of over 350 wildlife photographs from around the world. The central hall of the festival will be dedicated to the wildlife of Moscow and protected areas of Russia. Unique images of wildlife in the country's reserves and national parks will be complemented by a cycle of eco-educational events dedicated to specially protected natural territories," the message reads.

The Russian Nature Reserve Center is a partner of the festival and has prepared a special program this year.

"The best experts from the protected areas system will talk about the scientific, conservation, and tourism activities of reserves and national parks," said Daria Matsuk, head of the agency.

The first day of the Russian Nature Reserve Center at the festival will be held on November 2 and will be dedicated to the achievements of Russian reserves and national parks.

On November 16, representatives of protected areas from different regions will share with guests their experiences of the most incredible nature conservation expeditions, which sometimes involve life-threatening risks. The program will be called "Reserve Extreme: The Most Challenging Wildlife Studies."

And on November 23, the Russian Nature Reserve Center will invite festival visitors to the "House of Sand - The Kingdom of Deserts and Steppes."

"Russia's Water Day" will be held on November 30, presenting new information about the unique water resources of protected areas.

In total, the "Golden Turtle" festival program includes over 800 events - lectures, creative meetings, workshops, and film screenings.

A novelty this year is Russia's only exhibition in an innovative format dedicated to the microcosm. Super-detailed images of insects up to 3x2 meters in size will be placed in darkened halls on lightboxes. These images are assembled from several thousand photographs using a special program.

"This season, we will present guests of the festival with innovative solutions that will be used for the first time not only in our country but also in the world. We managed to find such a combination of unique shooting techniques for representatives of the animal world with the latest technologies of large-format printing that amazes not only connoisseurs of wildlife photography but also professional scientists," said Andrey Sukhinin, president of the "Golden Turtle" environmental education platform.

An educational program has also been prepared that will tell visitors about the basics of environmental behavior, nature conservation, and the proper use of natural resources.

For the visually impaired, a special exhibition of photographs made using 3D tactile printing technology will be organized.

Speakers at the festival will include world-renowned wildlife photographers, famous travelers, experts in ecology, zoologists, biologists, and representatives of reserves and national parks.

The "Golden Turtle" project aims to change people's environmental consciousness and behavior through art and love of nature. Over 18 years, the project has received over 187,000 works and united 38,000 authors from 156 countries around the world. Last year, a record attendance was set at the festival - it was visited by over 60,000 people.

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