A Unique Archaeological Find in Sochi

A Unique Archaeological Find in Sochi

Source: Sochi Geographical Society

A unique archaeological find has been discovered in Sochi. According to the Sochi Geographical Society, preliminary dating places it to the 10th century. A more precise date will be established after analyzing the found samples at the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center. The unusual find has retained its shape, measuring eight and a half by four meters. Some of the furnace stones have acquired a red hue due to the effects of fire.

"This is a unique find," said Svetlana Dubovenko, head of the archaeological expedition. "Furnaces of this size are very rare. On the Black Sea coast, furnaces have been found before, but here in Sochi, this is a single instance."

Scientists suggest that in the Middle Ages, there was a craft quarter of a settlement at the mouth of the Matsesta River.

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