

FAITH values its loss guidance on tourism to $140 billion


In a meeting on May 10, The Federation of Associations in Indian Tourism & Hospitality (FAITH) has revised upwards its value at risk to Indian tourism to around $140 billion from an earlier estimate of about $80 billion

The dove-tree first bloomed in Sochi


As EcoTourism Expert came to know, Chinese dove-tree, or Davidia involucrata, was brought to Sochi Park "Southern Cultures" in the middle of the last century. During flowering, a decorative deciduous tree is dotted with a mass of inflorescences with large white bracts.

Iata says risk of virus spread in aircraft low


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) stated that the risk of сontracting COVID-19 during flight is low, and therefore there is no need to separate passengers with an empty seat

A lake for the Red Book newts will be created in the mountains of Sochi this summer


The southern banded newt and the Caucasian parsley frog are endemic to the Western Caucasus and are included in the Red Book of Russia

Greece to resume the tourist season from July 1


The Greek government assumes that tourism activities in the country will be resumed from July 1

Israel takes first steps to reopen tourism industry


Israeli authorities have agreed to the first modest steps toward reopening the hospitality sector

Reserves of the South of Siberia receive first virtual guests


Reserves of the South of Siberia will more actively master IT technologies for environmental awareness-raising events in a new format due to a difficult epidemiological situation

Southern European countries have called on the EU to develop a plan to save tourism in 2020


The Southern European countries called on the European Commission to allocate funds from the European Fund for stimulating the economy in the context of coronavirus infection to support the tourism sector

A gambling zone to be built on the South Coast of Crimea by 2024


The modern and comfortable gambling zone "Zolotoy Bereg" will be built in the village of Katsiveli on the southern coast of Crimea by 2024, and, according to preliminary estimates, it will contribute about 25 billion rubles a year to the budget of the republic

TAT: Thailand’s visitor number to tumble 60% to 16 mln in 2020


Most of the Bangkok-based tour operators who cater to Chinese visitors were in despair when the news that Thailand extended its state of emergency until May 31

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