

EU dismisses industry call to lift ban on disposable plastic


The European Commission has dismissed requests from the plastic industry to lift the ban on the single-use plastic (SUP) products across the EU due to health and hygiene issues during the COVID-19 outbreak

A virtual guide to Egyptian tombs


As EcoTourism Expert came to know, the coronavirus pandemic prompted the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities to launch virtual tours to ancient sites

Popular tourist sites in China attract large numbers as country comes out of lockdown


Images from the Huangshan mountain park in Anhui province recently showed thousands of people crammed together, many wearing face masks, eager to experience the great outdoors after months of travel restrictions and strict lockdown measures

The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia presented the best photos of the country on its website


During the quarantine period, the Ministry of Nature of Russia decided to please the site visitors, providing the opportunity to go on a virtual trip around the country

Tourists defiling the Great Wall of China will be blacklisted


Tourists who leave inscriptions and scratches on the Great Wall of China will be fined, barred from access to other sights of the country and blacklisted

Hotel occupancy in Montreal dropped to 1-2%


Hotel occupancy in Montreal has decreased to 1-2% due to the situation with the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection

In China it’s time to visit Ningbo’s tourism attractions


As China begins to ease its way back to some sort of normality following the COVID-19 outbreak, we are seeing new incentives being developed across the country to attract local visitors to cultural heritage sites

In Spain the distance on the beaches between people will be mandatory all summer – Minister of tourism


In Spain the requirement to keep a distance between people to prevent the spread of the coronavirus will remain in force throughout the summer, including on beaches, warned Spanish tourism Minister Reyes Maroto

In 2020 Chinese tourists will prefer domestic trips to international


After lifting the restrictions on movement, Chinese citizens will give preference to travel around their country than international travel

South Australian Tourism Commission launches SATV


The South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC) is bringing South Australia into living rooms across the country via a new online platform, SATV

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