Clean Arctic

Clean Arctic

“Clean Arctic” is a large-scale project to clean up the Arctic territory of Russia from waste and garbage accumulated since Soviet times. The idea belongs to Dmitry Lobusov, captain of the “50 Years of Victory” nuclear icebreaker, and Gennady Antokhin, Soviet and Russian icebreaker captain, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation. “Clean Arctic” has become a platform that brings together public and volunteer organizations, scientists, heads of Russian regions and businesses. The project partners are MMC Norilsk Nickel, PhosAgro and Russian Railways. The “Clean Arctic” Column is dedicated to the environmental initiatives of all countries in the region. Map of project Clean Arctic-2023

The results of research on the polar bear population will be the subject of a conference in Anadyr


The international scientific-practical conference "Polar Bear Universe" will be held in Anadyr on October 18-21

The international eco-summit "Siberian Perspective" brought together more than 50 experts from different countries


Participants of the eco-meet, which was held under the auspices of Norilsk Nickel, shared their experience in environmental education with each other

Eco-education of children will help to involve adults in environmental actions


According to the experts of the Project Office for the Development of the Arctic (PORA), environmental awareness in children should be raised from an early age

The number of bird species in the "Russian Arctic" has increased


Over the past 10 years, the list of avifauna has increased by 11 species in the southern cluster of the Russian Arctic National Park

Volunteers from China and South Korea will join the cleanup in the Arctic


Volunteers expressed their desire to take part in the third field season of the Clean Arctic project, which is scheduled to start in May next year

Issues of socio-economic development of the Arctic will be discussed by the participants of the conference in Moscow


The VIII International Conference "Arctic: Sustainable Development of Regions" ("Arctic-2023") will be held next year on March 2-3 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Modern plastic is increasingly polluting the Arctic


One of the reasons for the emergence of a new type of waste for the region is the rapid development of the Northern Sea Route

The number of volunteers of the Clean Arctic project will reach 5 thousand people next year


According to project manager Ruslan Gubaidullin, such a noticeable increase in personnel will allow more than three thousand tons of waste to be removed during the 2023 field season

200 tons of garbage collected by the volunteers of the "Clean Arctic" in the Krasnoyarsk Territory


The banks of the picturesque northern river were turned into a spontaneous garbage heap back in the days of the USSR

Scientists transmitted the first weather report from a drifting polar station to the "mainland"


The work of the Russian drifting polar station "North Pole-41" started in the Arctic Ocean

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