Clean Arctic

Clean Arctic

“Clean Arctic” is a large-scale project to clean up the Arctic territory of Russia from waste and garbage accumulated since Soviet times. The idea belongs to Dmitry Lobusov, captain of the “50 Years of Victory” nuclear icebreaker, and Gennady Antokhin, Soviet and Russian icebreaker captain, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation. “Clean Arctic” has become a platform that brings together public and volunteer organizations, scientists, heads of Russian regions and businesses. The project partners are MMC Norilsk Nickel, PhosAgro and Russian Railways. The “Clean Arctic” Column is dedicated to the environmental initiatives of all countries in the region. Map of project Clean Arctic-2023

Walrus Day celebrated by Arctic national parks in Russia


The themed holiday takes place annually on November 24 and is established to raise awareness of the environmental issues causing the decline of this species

Norilsk Nickel and the SB RAS presented the results of the Large Scientific Expedition in Transbaikalia


Norilsk Nickel together with the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences presented the results of a large scientific expedition conducted in Transbaikalia

The Clean Arctic project to be extended to Svalbard


The Clean Arctic project, aimed at cleaning the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation from waste accumulated since Soviet times, is planned to be extended to Svalbard

The law on the treatment of MSW requires a special section on the Arctic


In the Arctic, where extreme climatic conditions, sparsely populated and low transport connectivity, the implementation of the law "On Production and Consumption Waste" is difficult and ineffective

One hundred thousand municipal solid waste sent for sorting in the Murmansk Ecotechnopark


For 9 months more than 100,000 tons of solid municipal waste have been sent to the Murmansk Ecotechnopark for sorting, the press service of the government of the Murmansk region reported

The international group of scientists of the expedition "Arctic 2021" agreed to continue cooperation


The scientists took part in a two-day online meeting and discussed the preliminary results of the research, the stages of processing the data obtained during the field work

Experts summed up the results of expeditions to study the ecosystems of hard-to-reach regions of the Russian Arctic


In the field season this year, populations of the ivory gull, the Atlantic subspecies of the walrus and the wild reindeer were studied

More than three thousand tons of garbage were removed by the volunteers of the "Clean Arctic" project during the field season


The second field season of the "Clean Arctic" project ended this week

Deployment of a network of observation points for the state of permafrost in Russia will begin in 2023


Scientists from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) have completed a full cycle of seasonal work on the Svalbard archipelago

Creation of textbooks in Enets and other languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of Taimyr will be discussed in St. Petersburg


The All-Russian Forum dedicated to the preservation and development of the native languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of Taimyr is being held in St. Petersburg at the Institute of the Peoples of the North of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen from 19 to 21 October

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