You can listen to the song of deer in the Kuznetsk Alatau Reserve

You can listen to the song of deer in the Kuznetsk Alatau Reserve


Two brothers Malysh and Buyan were born at the Ecocenter. On the eve of the mating season, their horns take on a combative appearance so that the deer can repel the attacks of rivals.

In addition, marals need to be able to sing in order to win the favor of the female. Now the time has come when visitors to the eco-center in the Kuznetsk Alatau reserve will be able to hear these peculiar serenades on any day of the week.

“For someone who hears this “song” for the first time, it is sometimes difficult to believe that such a rather thin sound can be made by a giant, whose weight can reach 300 kilograms. The most complete “song” sounds like “i-i-i-u-u-u-o-a”, however, everyone hears it in their own way,” the press service of the reserve said.

“In young bulls, the sounds made are similar to yelling, “i-i-u”, in the old ones the “song” is rougher, often ending in a short bark,” the report says.

Thus, the roar of the deer is carried for several kilometers. By this singing, the female can determine how strong and experienced the male is. In adult hardened marals, the roar seems to be thicker and longer, sounds longer and more powerful.

“The fight between males begins with a roar. First, the bulls walk side by side, demonstrating their strength and power. Then they stand opposite each other and begin to "sing". It happens that the duel ends on this note, ”the reserve said.

If no one wants to give up, the horns are used. Males collide head-on and try, as it were, to put an opponent on the ground. Of course, the strongest will win, and in the end, the female remains with him.

The reserve noted that now there are no representatives of the fair sex of this amazing animal in the ecocenter. Therefore, "Kuznetsk Alatau" is looking for sponsors who will help to purchase a pair for marals.

"After all, everyone needs a soul mate, no matter if it's a person or an animal," the press service of the reserve noted.

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