House Swap: Thousands of Belgians are choosing an alternative type of tourism

House Swap: Thousands of Belgians are choosing an alternative type of tourism


The exchange of houses during the holiday period between residents of Belgium increased by 24% this summer compared to 2023, according to data from HomeExchange, a platform for exchanging houses and apartments between individuals.

An alternative type of tourism, which differs from traditional rental, attracts more and more Belgians. 

In the period from July to August, 1,383 house exchanges were registered in Belgium, which is almost 33,000 overnight stays, which is a record figure. About 3,600 housing units served 5,018 travelers, indicating a growing interest in this type of travel. 

The exchange of houses for the holiday period is an alternative, far from real estate speculation and mass tourism, and promotes communication between travelers. 

This summer Dutch-speaking Flanders has established itself as the most popular region in Belgium for house exchanges: 710 stays, which is 29% more than in the previous year. Ghent, Bruges and Antwerp are among the most popular cities. 

In two other regions of Belgium - Wallonia and Brussels - the practice of exchanging houses increased by 28% and 15%, respectively.

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