Unique Aerial Bird Survey Conducted in Koryak Nature Reserve

Unique Aerial Bird Survey Conducted in Koryak Nature Reserve


The press service of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve has reported that unique research has been conducted in the Koryak Nature Reserve. Scientists conducted a survey of waterfowl using a light seaplane, which allowed them to explore the hard-to-reach area of the Parapolsky Dol.

The Parapolsky Dol is an internationally significant wetland that hosts the largest concentration of waterfowl and waterbirds in Northeast Asia. Due to the terrain's inaccessibility and difficulty, the study of birds here was previously conducted irregularly. The recent aerial survey has allowed scientists to obtain up-to-date data on the number and distribution of many waterfowl species. Rare species, such as the Eastern Siberian Bean Goose listed in the Red Book of Russia, were also observed.

"In essence, thanks to the dense network of survey routes, scientists from a bird's-eye view were able to conduct a nearly complete census of waterfowl and cranes (the Canadian crane inhabits the north of Kamchatka). Such work in the Kamchatka Territory has been carried out for the first time," the statement said.

The statement notes that a light aircraft can cover up to 900 kilometers in one flight, which would take a foot group an entire season. That is why the use of a light seaplane in bird research is the optimal solution. Scientists photograph all the birds they encounter so that they can later process the data on a computer. Each photo has its geographic reference.

During the research, a monitoring of the fire hazard situation and a check of the territory for poaching camps were also carried out. No violations were detected.

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