The authorities of Greece, gripped by the strongest heat wave in more than 30 years, closed to the public during the heat hours all the archaeological sites of the country, including the Acropolis of Athens.
Due to the hot air, the temperature of which sometimes reaches 45 degrees Celsius, from Monday to Friday, from 12 to 17 hours, a ban on visiting ancient sights in the country has been introduced.
In 1987, when Greece was gripped by an abnormal heat wave comparable to the one currently observed, more than a thousand people died due to the lack of air conditioning and air pollution.
You can see the plant in the Dendrarium Park. Due to the fact that its flowers change color during the day, hibiscus is called the lotus tree or "crazy rose."
Representatives of over 50 mountain resorts and tourism development experts from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, South Korea, and other countries gathered in Almaty to discuss strategic development issues and the creation of an interstate mountain tourist route