First Przewalski's Horse Foal Born This Year in Orenburg Reserve

First Przewalski's Horse Foal Born This Year in Orenburg Reserve

Source: Евгений Булгаков,

The first Przewalski's horse foal of this year was born on April 18 at the Przewalski's Horse Reintroduction Center in the Orenburg Reserve.

"The little colt was born in the harem of the beautiful Suba and is the first foal for the mare Taiga, who was born in our center in 2019. Thus, the population of Przewalski's horses continues to be replenished with the second generation of horses, and now there are 104 individuals in the Orenburg Reserve," the reserve's website reports.

The foal was named Salhi (Mongolian for "wind"), which won the competition for the best name at the "Russia" exhibition-forum on Rare Species Day in January.

The Przewalski's Horse Reintroduction Center in the Orenburg Reserve was opened in 2015. The first inhabitants were 36 horses brought from the French semi-reserve Le Villars.

The center is implementing a project to create a semi-free population of this species, and the number of individuals is growing every year.

The Przewalski's horse is listed in the Red Book of Russia with the highest rarity status - 0, and is also included in the 13 priority species of the national project "Ecology".

Currently, a program is underway in Russia to restore this rare animal, calculated until 2030.

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