There will be more trains between Sochi and Gagra

There will be more trains between Sochi and Gagra

High-speed electric trains running between the resorts of Russia and Abkhazia will change the schedule. It will become more convenient for passengers.

- There will be two flights a day from the Sochi station to Abkhazia, trains will call at the airport. From Gagra "Lastochka" will go on a long route to the Sochi station, the second - only to the airport, - according to the North Caucasus Railway.

The train departs from Sochi at 08:50 and 17:42, arriving in Gagra at 13:06 and 21:30. Trains will depart from Gagra at 13:26 and 21:40. The day train will arrive at Sochi station at 17:24. Evening - a shortened flight to the final station Sochi Airport - at 00:40.

High-speed trains "Lastochka" began to run between Sochi and Gagara in early July. In just a month, they carried more than 10,000 passengers.
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