Slovaks Crave Exotic Destinations

Slovaks Crave Exotic Destinations

Slovaks have shown a keen interest in tours to distant lands. A well-known travel company made a shrewd move by offering a flash sale on expensive trips with a 50% discount.

Within 3 days, travel vouchers worth 10.6 million euros were sold. Trips are planned from January to October 2025. The most popular destination for Slovaks was Mexico, which the company advertised as "a great journey full of mystical stories, pyramids, shamanism, exquisite cuisine, and the beautiful beaches of Acapulco and the Caribbean Sea."

Next come Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore - "the perfect gateway to the exotic" for travel enthusiasts. Many vouchers were purchased for Japan, where the "EXPO 2025" will be held in Osaka from April to October. It is expected that 28 million tourists will visit the world exhibition of technical achievements of modern civilization. Distant China interested Slovaks in its "capitalist, colonial, and communist face" as the world's second most populous country.

Of the European destinations, Portugal, "the land of seafarers with their discoveries, cities, food, and wine," generated the most interest among Slovaks. And, of course, the famous Azores, "beautiful green islands in the endless Atlantic," were not overlooked. All of these destinations included not only a significant discount but also the option to return the voucher for free and exchange it for a vacation at a different time.
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