Russia to Create Five New Protected Natural Areas in the Next Three Years

Russia to Create Five New Protected Natural Areas in the Next Three Years


Russia is set to establish five new specially protected natural areas (SPNAs) over the next three years, according to a statement made by Alexander Kozlov, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, during a speech in the State Duma. This was reported by INTERFAX.RU.

"Our three-year plan includes the creation of five specially protected natural areas and the development of tourist infrastructure in national parks," Kozlov said.

The federal budget project has allocated 41 billion rubles for the development of the protected area system over the next three years, the minister noted. He added that national parks will see the creation of at least 30 visitor centers, over 400 kilometers of ecological trails and routes, and 300 accommodation facilities.

Kozlov emphasized that the primary goal of SPNAs is to preserve biodiversity. Therefore, the number of priority animal species requiring state assistance for population recovery will increase from 13 to 17.

These species, according to the minister, will include the Russian desman, reindeer, great bustard, and birds of prey, the portal reported.

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