Russia Approves Strategy to Conserve Saker Falcons

Russia Approves Strategy to Conserve Saker Falcons


Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has approved a new strategy to conserve the saker falcon population.

The document provides comprehensive information about the species, assesses the current state of populations in the country, identifies threats to the species, and outlines conservation measures.

“The main goal of the strategy is to achieve a positive population growth, especially in the northeastern part of Russia. The target population is set at no less than 4,000 breeding pairs,” the ministry stated.

Two subspecies of saker falcon nest in Russia: the western Siberian (or European) and the eastern Siberian (or Kamchatka) subspecies. The Kamchatka Peninsula harbors the largest population, with around 500 (330-600) pairs, which could represent up to 20% of the global population.

“However, it is the Kamchatka saker falcon that has suffered the most from illegal poaching and smuggling over the past two decades, due to its prized white morph that is highly sought after by falconers in Arab countries. Additionally, until recently, snares set for arctic foxes and white partridges posed a significant threat to the species,” the ministry explained.

The first phase of the strategy (2024-2030) will focus on conducting scientific research and establishing reintroduction centers for falcons. The second phase (2025-2033) aims to improve the network of protected areas and enhance conservation efforts outside of these areas.

A draft action plan for implementing the strategy is expected to be presented within six months.

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