Rosa Khutor expands the boundaries of mountain tourism

Rosa Khutor expands the boundaries of mountain tourism

Source: Rosa Khutor
A discussion on the strategic prospects for the development of mountain recreation and resorts in the SCO countries, their interaction with Russian complexes, was held within the framework of the Mountains. Tourism. Business" in Sochi. The participants of the event, held at the Rosa Khutor resort, were representatives of the leading mountain resorts of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. During the session, strategic trends in the field of mountain tourism in the large region of Eurasia were discussed, as well as existing and planned joint initiatives.

- Today, the development of mountain tourism is a topical cross-country agenda for the SCO countries. Mountain resorts of the countries are interested in the strategic development of cooperation with Russian resorts. For nine years in a row, Rosa Khutor has been named the “Best Ski Resort in the Country” according to the World Ski Awards. The resort has undergone a significant transformation over the past 12 years: from a ski resort to an all-season resort. This happened thanks to the active development of infrastructure, the creation of year-round tourism products, as well as interaction with foreign complexes, - said Sergey Khvorostyany, Deputy General Director for International Relations and Tourism at Rosa Khutor.

Therefore, the Russian resort "Rosa Khutor" today is a strategic partner of the well-known in Kazakhstan complex "Shimbulak" and the Uzbek "Amirsoy". As part of the partnership, attractive events were organized for guests, including the Rosa Khutor Resort Day at Shymbulak, during which it was possible to visit an interactive tour in the mountains of Sochi. The strategic opportunities of the Rosa Khutor resort were also presented to tour operators from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

- The plans for the development of mountain resorts in Kazakhstan include the creation of several clusters that will unite the infrastructure of popular resorts, including Shimbulak and Oy Karagay, with a network of lifts and trails. As a result, the length of the tracks will be 105 kilometers, and the capacity of the lifts will exceed 14,000 people per hour. Given the geographical location and frequency of flights to Almaty airport, such clusters have the potential to become a popular international destination for mountain tourism. The creation of a single mountain hub, which will operate under the same brand on the local and international markets, will give a powerful impetus to the development of tourism and small business throughout the region. In Kazakhstan, they very much hope that the project of connecting mountain resorts with a network of lifts will be supported by the state, as happened in many ski countries of the world. At the same time, the invested budgetary funds are returned over time by handing over the finished infrastructure on consignment to private operators, - said Andrey Kukushkin, Secretary General of the International Club of Skiing Journalists.

The plans for the development of the Uzbek resort "Amirsoy" include an increase in the tourist flow to 500 thousand people a year and the development of more than 900 hectares of territory, of which today the resort occupies only 30 percent. Until 2025, the number of tracks will increase here, a lighting system for night skiing will be created, hotels and residences will be built.

- Tour operators of Uzbekistan note the interest in recreation among citizens of our country in the mountains of Sochi. Today we are studying the preferences and requests of potential tourists in order to jointly develop a strategy for attracting guests to partner resorts of the SCO countries, - said Davronbek Niyazov, commercial director of the Amirsoy resort.

The head of the Association of Mountain Resorts of Kyrgyzstan Kirill Irgistsev shared his positive experience of the joint work of mountain resorts within the framework of the industry union. Today it unites 16 resorts and tourist bases of the country. On behalf of the Association, they act in solving problems of interaction with the government of the country and local authorities, raise issues of building roads and bringing the necessary communications to tourist sites, and contribute to the development of children's sports.

- Currently, the long-term development of mountain tourism is being discussed at various levels. The unified communication strategy developed between some partner resorts in the SCO space is being gradually implemented. The unification of legislation, including the tourist security system, is being discussed, the quality standards for the provision of services are being harmonized and common approaches are being developed for creating interregional and cross-border routes. The issues of preservation and mutual promotion of the natural and cultural heritage of our countries, the activation of tourism for children and youth, and the creation of new infrastructure are also being considered. I am sure that soon we will be able to present the implementation of our strategic initiatives to the guests, - Sergey Khvorostyany, Deputy General Director for International Relations and Tourism of the Rosa Khutor Resort, summed up the session.
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