Rosa Khutor Develops Communication with Foreign Tourism Markets

Rosa Khutor Develops Communication with Foreign Tourism Markets


The Rosa Khutor mountain resort has been consistently engaged in strategic positioning on friendly tourist markets,developing partnerships and increasing brand awareness. An important step in this direction was the creation of the Eurasian Alliance of Mountain Resorts (EAMR) in June 2023. The organization, which currently unites the mountain resorts Amirsoy (Uzbekistan), Oi-Karagai (Kazakhstan), Rosa Khutor (Russia), Shahdag (Azerbaijan) and Shymbulak (Kazakhstan), is designed to provide a platform for the strategic development of tourism in the Eurasian space,professional communication, promotion of best practices and brands of mountain resorts. Among the main goals of the Alliance are the promotion of all-season mountain tourism and the popularization of an active lifestyle, the exchange of necessary information and advanced experience, the improvement of the professional qualifications of workers in mountain complexes, and the development of common approaches to safety standards.

In March 2024, the First Festival of Eurasian Mountain Resorts was held at Rosa Khutor for the first time, which was attended not only by EAMR members, but also by a delegation from the Mailer mountain resort (Armenia), as well as the heads of the tourism industry of the Republic of Belarus and the Kyrgyz Republic.

As noted by the Deputy General Director of the Rosa Khutor resort for international relations and tourism, Sergei Khvorostyanny:

"Our initiative to create such a professional community as the Eurasian Alliance of Mountain Resorts is developing successfully. We regularly communicate with colleagues and a specific plan of joint actions and events has already been outlined. It has been determined that the II Festival of Eurasian Mountain Resorts will be held in March 2025 at the Shahdag mountain resort in Azerbaijan. As part of our communication strategy, we are actively promoting the resort in the Eurasian space, participating in significant tourism events in Central Asia and the Persian Gulf countries, and inviting media and influencers from these countries."

Another important event for the resort was the certification according to the Roskachestvo - Muslim friendly system. The four-star hotel "Erbelia by Vasta", located in Rosa Khutor, was one of the first in Russia to receive such a certificate.

"We consider it important to participate in the strategic development of our industry, fulfilling the President's task of increasing the share of tourism in Russia's GDP to 5% by 2030, and tripling the export of tourism services. In this connection, we are certainly interested in guests from the Middle East, Central Asia, and China. This means that we must provide them with services that meet their needs, which in general also corresponds to domestic principles - our country is multinational and multi-confessional. In this connection, there is confidence that the Muslim friendly system, developed by Roskachestvo, will only develop. We expect that by the end of this year the number of foreign tourists visiting the resort will exceed 5,000 people (which is 15% more than in 2023). I believe that more than half of them will come from Muslim countries," says Sergei Khvorostyanny.

The Muslim Friendly standards system implies a set of norms and rules that must be met by the services of enterprises in the hospitality industry. They apply not to all rooms, but to specific ones, so the hotel can equally warmly welcome not only Muslims, but also guests of other faiths.

According to Sergei Khvorostyanny, the Rosa Khutor resort expects to receive about 1.5 thousand Arab tourists during the current summer season within the framework of the Gulf Air flight program from the capital of Bahrain, Manama, to Sochi.

"This flight program, which started on June 10, will last until the end of August. But we are working together with our partners to create conditions for a year-round flight. Rosa Khutor offers blocks of places in the resort's hotels for tourists from Bahrain and Saudi Arabia as part of their combined tours to Russia. Guests from Arab countries are usually extremely impressed by the unique nature of the Western Caucasus, the coolness and majestic beauty of our mountains.For them, these are completely unique impressions. In addition, we offer high standards of service. This combination allows us to assume an increase in tourist flow from the Persian Gulf countries. This is also facilitated by the results of cooperation with tour operators from the UAE, sending tourists on regular flights from Dubai," says the Deputy General Director of the Rosa Khutor resort.

Target Markets:

  • The resort is particularly focused on attracting tourists from the CIS, the Middle East, Central Asia, and China.
  • In 2023, 54% of Rosa Khutor's international tourists came from the CIS, 28% from the Near and Middle East, 11% from Europe, and 4% from China.
  • The resort is working to attract more tourists from the Persian Gulf region, with a focus on Bahrain, Saudi Arabia,and the UAE.
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