Plescheyevo Lake Day to Be Celebrated at Pereslavl Museum-Reserve

Plescheyevo Lake Day to Be Celebrated at Pereslavl Museum-Reserve


The Pereslavl Museum-Reserve will hold the "Lake Day" holiday for the first time on June 30. It will take place in the "Botik Petra I" Museum-Estate. In these places on Lake Pleshcheyevo in 1692, young Peter, after the construction of the amusing flotilla of Pereslavl, was the first in Russia to carry out maneuvers of the fleet, infantry and artillery. This is reported by the Ministry of Culture of the Yaroslavl Region on its website.

"Lake Day" will be held in the format of a family holiday with elements of intellectual recreation and an entertainment program. The solemn opening of the exhibition "Klevoye Mesto" is planned, dedicated to life on the high banks of Lake Pleshcheyevo and in the river valleys of Pereslavl from time immemorial to the present day. Unique archaeological and ethnographic items, photographs and works of art will be presented," - the message says.

The holiday program also includes interactive excursions, master classes and popular science lectures.

In particular, guests will be able to learn about the geological history of Lake Pleshcheyevo, scientific research dedicated to it and about the hypotheses of the origin of the reservoir.

For theater lovers, the premiere of the plastic performance "Eight Waves of Lake Pleshcheyevo" will take place, and children will be able to participate in a soap bubble show and a chemical show.

The organizers of the holiday expect that "Lake Day" will become a new annual tradition of the Pereslavl Museum-Reserve and will attract many residents and guests of the region.

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