Over 80% of Russians Interested in Agritourism

Over 80% of Russians Interested in Agritourism


A joint study by the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) and Rosselkhozbank has revealed that 82% of Russians have either visited or plan to visit agritourism destinations within the next year. This surge in interest highlights the growing popularity of rural tourism in Russia.

While agritourism remains a relatively new concept in Russia, the study indicates significant potential for growth in this sector. Revenue from agritourism can account for up to 75% of a farm's income.

According to ATOR, most Russian tourists opt for one-day agritourism trips, with approximately 70% preferring excursions without overnight stays. Twenty-one percent choose two-day trips, 6% opt for three to four days, and 3% select tours lasting more than four days.

Typically, tourists visit agritourism destinations once a year. Only 18.5% of travelers visit these places more frequently and with a certain regularity.

The primary reasons for visiting agritourism destinations include family entertainment, opportunities to observe animals, and purchasing farm-fresh products. Additionally, tourists are drawn to agritourism for fishing, sports, active recreation, and hands-on farm experiences.

While agritourism is currently more popular during warmer months, ATOR notes that farms can be adapted to accommodate visitors year-round.

Tourists expressed a desire for opportunities to taste or purchase farm products, participate in workshops, and enjoy informative tours. Furthermore, they emphasized the importance of high-quality service and accommodations.

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