"Norilsk Nickel's Experience to Aid in the Formation of a Federal Permafrost Monitoring System - Experts"

"Norilsk Nickel's Experience to Aid in the Formation of a Federal Permafrost Monitoring System - Experts"


The experience of Norilsk Nickel in geotechnical monitoring and risk management will be used to create a state system for monitoring the condition of permafrost.

This was announced during a meeting in the Federation Council dedicated to the issues of permafrost monitoring, the state of which is being recorded due to global climate warming. 

The corresponding system is being created on the instructions of the President of the country, and a number of necessary regulatory legal acts have already been adopted, said Sakhamin Afanasyev, a member of the relevant committee of the upper house of the Russian parliament. In his opinion, to increase the efficiency of this work, greater coordination of efforts by relevant departments, the scientific community, and business representatives is necessary. 

The parliamentarian, in particular, noted the importance of taking into account the developments of industrial enterprises that operate in the Arctic and already have experience in monitoring the state of permafrost. 

Norilsk Nickel's Director of Federal and Regional Programs, Alexei Pinchuk, shared this experience during the meeting. Norilsk Nickel's main production facilities are located beyond the Arctic Circle - on the Taimyr Peninsula and the Kola Peninsula. More than 60 thousand company employees and their families live in the Arctic zone. According to the company representative, the regional background permafrost monitoring system created by Norilsk Nickel with the participation of the Norilsk administration currently covers about 1,000 industrial facilities and buildings. Currently, 17 Norilsk Nickel enterprises are included in the monitoring system. 

Automated monitoring is carried out at 222 company facilities. At more than 750 facilities, geotechnical monitoring is carried out in the form of visual inspections and instrumental measurements. 

"375 new wells have been drilled at the facilities, and various types of sensors have been installed to record any changes. Together with the Zapolyarny State University, a new competence center has been created - for the study of permafrost, which conducts scientific and practical research and provides expert and consulting services," said Alexei Pinchuk. In addition, he noted, the company is currently implementing a Comprehensive Plan for the Social and Economic Development of Norilsk until 2035 together with the Government of the Russian Federation and the leadership of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. 

The measures are aimed at renovating the housing stock, constructing and repairing social institutions, and updating engineering and transport infrastructure. 

"Work on the thermal stabilization of soils under residential buildings is ongoing as well. They are carried out in full compliance with new requirements and building codes," emphasized the representative of Norilsk Nickel.

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