Donkeys threaten Cypriot farmers

Donkeys threaten Cypriot farmers

Source: Lyubov Ivanova
Wild hordes of donkeys bring confusion to the quiet Cypriot life. On the one hand, they attract lovers of ecological tourism to the Karpasia Peninsula. A popular attraction here: crowds of donkeys besieging tourists in the hope of getting delicious carrots or carob. Selfies with these funny animals are very popular.

On the other hand, over-bred wild donkeys, who previously lived in a territory specially designated for them, began to visit farm fields rich in harvest. Naturally, the villagers did not like the visits of artiodactyls that eat everything in their path. Wild donkeys began to be caught and sent back to protected areas. But they come back again and again closer to cheerful tourists and fat rural fields.

Things got to the point that the villagers, exhausted by the struggle for the harvest, demanded that the Ministry of Tourism and the Environment deal with the donkey problem. The most radical representatives of the local community offer to sell some of the animals abroad. After all, for each donkey you can get from 80 to 120 euros - money is not at all superfluous in agriculture. However, political functionaries oppose such measures, fearing to leave the region without its main symbol.

While the parties are occupied with debates, freedom-loving donkeys continue their insidious activities.
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