Balkan dishes - the best among the 50 salads of the world

Balkan dishes - the best among the 50 salads of the world

Source: Lyubov Ivanova
In any case, this is the conclusion that the experts of the tourist guide Vkusatlas (tasteatlas) came to, identifying the 50 best salads in the world.

Only one country from another region made it into the top five: Tunisia took an honorable third place with the traditional Mechouia salad, which includes canned tuna. All other salad winners are completely vegetarian.

The 5th place in this list belongs to the famous Greek salad "Horiatiki" in which coarsely chopped tomatoes, sweet peppers, shallots are mixed, as well as olives, black pepper and, of course, feta - a traditional local cheese made from goat or sheep's milk. All this is generously seasoned with fragrant olive oil.

Tasteatlas connoisseurs took the 4th place to the Serbian salad "Moravian" (Moravian salad). It is based on the famous red pepper from the Moravian region. Hot peppers, leeks, tomatoes, garlic, salt and a little vegetable oil are also added to it. But the main thing is that the dish must be cooled before serving. This is what a traditional Serbian snack is pleasant for in the summer heat.

3rd place, as we have already noted, was taken by Tunisia with Mechouia salad. In addition to canned tuna, it includes baked sweet peppers, tomatoes, onions and garlic. Peeled and chopped vegetables are seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. Finely chopped greens and quarters of a boiled egg are added on top. Not a single meal is complete without this dish in Tunisian families.

2nd place, according to experts, is adequately represented by the Bulgarian "Shopska salad" (Shopska salad). It is based on the famous Bulgarian tomatoes, as well as the equally famous Bulgarian pepper. All of this is used raw. Fresh cucumbers, red onions, olives are also added here. Of course, it will not do without olive oil, salt, spices, herbs and lemon juice. The salad is generously sprinkled with grated siren cheese on top.

1st place was deservedly taken by the Greek Dakos from the island of Crete. Freshly made tomato puree is placed on the base in the form of dry whole-grain Dakos bread, lightly sprinkled with olive oil. Soft sheep's cheese is added on top and sprinkled with oregano. Instead of a cherry, Dakos is garnished with a pair of olives. This simple hearty dish won such a delicious competition for a reason - it precedes any feast in Cretan taverns.

These are not all Balkan dishes included in the list of the 50 best salads in the world. But the four Balkan recipes at the top of the list speak for themselves.
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