Ancient Roman Statue Unearthed in Bulgaria

Ancient Roman Statue Unearthed in Bulgaria


A Roman statue was accidentally discovered during construction work in Varna. The life-size marble figure was revealed to the astonished entrepreneur Georgi Kraichev, who was overseeing construction near the fortress walls of ancient Odessos - the ancient name for the modern city of Varna.

Emerging from a sand hill, the statue depicted an elderly man dressed in a Roman toga, holding a scroll, gazing thoughtfully at the construction workers. Archaeologists who arrived at the site identified the sculpture as a lifetime portrait of the Roman politician Gaius Hermogenus.

This identification was relatively straightforward due to a well-preserved Latin inscription on the base of the pedestal. However, finding a suitable location for the statue's restoration is proving to be more challenging. The Varna Archaeological Museum already lacks sufficient space for such large exhibits, as several similar statues have been discovered in recent months.

Preliminary data suggests that the sculpture from Odessos dates back to the late 2nd to early 3rd century AD - a period of flourishing for the Roman Empire. After restoration, the Roman artifact will take its place of honor in the Varna Museum.

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