

Sea water in Sochi meets sanitary standards


Since the beginning of the year, about 4,000 studies have already been conducted at the resort

The weather in the Caucasian Reserve to be "shown" online


For this purpose, new agrometeostations were installed at two sites

Sea water in Sochi warmed up to +27 degrees


Heat is expected at the resort during the week. In the coastal area of the resort, the temperature will be up to +29 degrees

You can get to Russia with an electronic visa through Sochi


The resort is among the checkpoints through which foreign citizens will be able to enter the country with an electronic visa

A unique nursery of subtropical plants will be created in Sochi


It will appear on the lands of the municipal unitary agricultural enterprise "Russia"

A mobile phone helps to find out everything about Sochi


An unusual digital project was implemented in a resort, thanks to which you can get exhaustive information

A new breed of trout was bred in Sochi


It was named after the month of spawning - Adler Augustine

A summer residence of classical art in the mountains opens at Rosa Khutor


From 18 to 27 August, the resort will host the Rosa Khutor. Classic". The event is the successor to the 1st Sochi Classical Music Festival, which took place at various venues in Greater Sochi in August 2022 and became a landmark for the region: for the first time, the audience was presented with an opera in the mountains at an altitude of 1050 m

You can save on Lastochka tickets in Sochi


The sells has train tickets

Rosa Khutor presents rare historical photographs about the development of tourism in the mountains of Sochi


The exposition of photographs, deployed on the Romanov Bridge, provides a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the village of Krasnaya Polyana in Soviet times

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