Roshydromet Conducts Radioactivity Monitoring in the Arctic

Roshydromet Conducts Radioactivity Monitoring in the Arctic

Clean Arctic  

Roshydromet has announced the completion of an expedition to study radioactive contamination of the environment in the southeastern Barents Sea, as well as hydrological and hydrochemical parameters of the White Sea. The research vessel "Ivan Petrov" returned to Arkhangelsk on July 4.

The expedition involved specialists from the Northern Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Administration (UGMS) and the Typhoon NPO. Based on its results, experts will assess the radioactive contamination of the Barents Sea environment.

"During the cruise, water and bottom sediment samples were collected for the content of cesium, strontium, tritium, and plutonium isotopes at seven marine stations of the Barents Sea in the areas of the Kara Gates, Yugorsky Shar Strait, and Kolguev Island. During the landing on the mainland in the southwestern part of the Yugorsky Peninsula, samples of water,algae, moss, lichen, bottom sediments, and soil were collected, and an aerosol study was also conducted," the Roshydromet website says.

As part of the expedition, specialists conducted a summer hydrological and hydrochemical survey of the White Sea,comprehensive research on long-term oceanographic sections, and standard meteorological observations along the ship's route and at oceanographic stations. In the Dvina Bay of the White Sea, water and soil samples were taken to determine chemical pollution indicators.

"The collected samples will be sent to the laboratories of the Northern UGMS and Typhoon NPO for further analysis," Roshydromet said. "As a result, scientists will receive up-to-date data on the state of water, bottom sediments, soil, and biota, and will assess the radioactive contamination of the Barents Sea environment."

Oceanography students from the Russian State Hydrometeorological University and St. Petersburg State University took part in the expedition as an educational practice.

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