In the Murmansk region the activities of guides and guides to be monitored

In the Murmansk region the activities of guides and guides to be monitored

Clean Arctic  

The Murmansk Regional Duma has adopted a bill on the supervision of the activities of guides. Amendments are being made to Articles 4 and 5 of the Law of the Murmansk Region "On the implementation of Certain Provisions of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourist Activity in the Russian Federation" on the territory of the Murmansk Region."

Thus, the Government of the Murmansk Region received the authority to regionally monitor the activities of tour guides, guide interpreters and instructor guides (with the exception of cases when such services are provided in specially protected natural areas). 

The executive body in the field of tourism will exercise control. This executive body has the right to classify tourist routes passing through the territory of the Murmansk Region as routes requiring special support, as well as to post information about them on its official website on the Internet. 

The draft law was developed in order to bring regional legislation into line with federal legislation. Recall that the guides began to monitor the availability of certification on June 1, reports.

# Russia
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