Abandoned buildings are demolished under "Clean Norilsk" program

Abandoned buildings are demolished under "Clean Norilsk" program

Clean Arctic  

(goarctic.ru) - The “Clean Norilsk” project continues in Norilsk, the nickel capital of the Arctic. About 240 buildings were removed from the streets under the “Clean Norilsk” project, designed by Nornickel, the city's main employer, according to the Taimyr Telegraph.

By the end of 2022 the results of the large-scale urban project were summed up in an interview with the city TV channel Severny Gorod by Nikolai Utkin, the senior vice president of Nornickel and the head of the Arctic Nornickel division.

“About 240 buildings and structures have already been demolished and taken away. Ironed territory remained, clean and neat. Moreover, we have already moved on to reclamation: we dig up a layer of soil and fertilize it. This gives good results - the soil is being restored," the speaker said.

The "Clean Norilsk” program includes emergency and unused buildings in the city. Abandoned buildings have been "accumulating" in Norilsk for decades. Construction debris after dismantling is taken out to industrial dumps.

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