Clean Arctic

Clean Arctic

“Clean Arctic” is a large-scale project to clean up the Arctic territory of Russia from waste and garbage accumulated since Soviet times. The idea belongs to Dmitry Lobusov, captain of the “50 Years of Victory” nuclear icebreaker, and Gennady Antokhin, Soviet and Russian icebreaker captain, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation. “Clean Arctic” has become a platform that brings together public and volunteer organizations, scientists, heads of Russian regions and businesses. The project partners are MMC Norilsk Nickel, PhosAgro and Russian Railways. The “Clean Arctic” Column is dedicated to the environmental initiatives of all countries in the region. Map of project Clean Arctic-2023

The development of the Northern Sea Route will help clean up the Arctic


It is impossible to clear the Arctic of accumulated waste without the development of the Northern Sea Route, said Andrey Nagibin, a member of the federal headquarters of the Clean Arctic project

The unified list of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation to be constantly updated


The Unified Register of Indigenous Minorities of the Russian Federation will be updated on an ongoing basi

Putin approved the idea of creating a single database on the study of the Arctic


Alexander Osadchiev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, leading researcher at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, made such a proposal at a meeting with young Russian scientists awarded prizes in science and innovation for 2023

The contest "Amazing and Unexplored Arctic" starts


The main prize for the winners is a unique opportunity to visit the Bear Islands state nature reserve and watch polar bears

Academician Mikhail Flint spoke about environmental risks for the Arctic and the prospects for fishing


The largest radioactive waste in the Kara Sea and the bays of Novaya Zemlya pose a serious danger to the ecology of the Arctic

Russian scientists recorded the longest thunderstorm in the high-latitude Arctic


The press service of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute reported that the scientists of the Institute recorded the longest thunderstorm in the history of observations in the high-latitude Arctic

The growth rate of investments in the Arctic is a quarter higher than in the Far East


In the Arctic investment growth rates are 25% higher than in the Far East, Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Envoy to the Far East Yuri Trutnev said in an interview with NTV

Nornickel starts drafting master plan for new Tukhard settlement


Nornickel, Wowhaus architects and the Norilsk Development Agency have conducted the first survey among Tukhard residents to draft a master plan for the new settlement

Climate change in the Arctic could help reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations


Specialists from the Antarctic and Antarctic Research Institute joined the international team

Russia will strengthen environmental monitoring of the Arctic


The press service of the "Clean Arctic" reported that the issue of creating this system is already being worked out by the Ministry of Natural Resources together with Roshydromet and Rosatom

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