Veterinarians from the Moscow Zoo are fighting for the life of a wounded bear that was found in Taimyr.
The animal was discovered in Dixon on 3 September. It was wounded in the shoulder blade and could only move her head and legs.
Norilsk Nickel was able to timely organize the delivery of the animal and the temporary placement of the animal in an enclosure at the site of the former Valek dispensary.
Thanks to prompt actions, veterinarians from the Moscow zoo, as well as representatives of the Okhotnadzor and the environmental prosecutor's office of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, were brought from Moscow to Norilsk, and then to the village. After providing first aid, it was decided to transport the bear to Norilsk for further examination for the presence of foreign bodies in the animal's body.
"Now veterinarians from the Moscow Zoo are fighting for the life of the Red Book animal. It is still difficult to make forecasts. The service works in an already well-established bundle: the environmental prosecutor's office, Okhotnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, Norilsk Nickel, the Moscow Zoo. Thanks to the help of Nornickel, veterinarians arrived on the island quickly. Now specialists are preparing a cage for transporting the she-bear. Early in the morning she will be delivered to the Norilsk airport, and from there to Moscow for treatment. We do not lose hope for rescue," said Svetlana Radionova, head of Rosprirodnadzor.