RAS Siberian Branch Summarizes 2023: Breakthrough Research, New Technologies, and Future Challenges

RAS Siberian Branch Summarizes 2023: Breakthrough Research, New Technologies, and Future Challenges


2023 was a year of significant achievements and new accomplishments for the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS SB). The branch's scientists achieved important results in fundamental research, developed innovative technologies, created unique materials and substances, and made a number of important discoveries in the fields of archeology, paleontology, and other humanities.

"At present, the unconditional priority for Russian science, including the Siberian Branch of the RAS, is the restoration of technological sovereignty in critically important high-tech areas," - noted Academician Valentin Parmon in his speech at the General Meeting.

One of the main achievements of the RAS SB was the completion of the construction of the Synchrotron Radiation Source "Siberian Ring Source of Photons" (SKIF). SKIF is a 4+ generation synchrotron radiation source, which is one of the most powerful light sources in the world. It will open up new opportunities for scientists to conduct research in various fields of science and technology.

The RAS SB pays great attention to the development of interdisciplinary research. In 2023, a number of major interdisciplinary projects were implemented, such as the "Big Norilsk Expedition".

The "Big Norilsk Expedition" of 2020-2022 was organized by the branch with the support of Norilsk Nickel in the shortest possible time, and was attended by employees of 15 Siberian research institutes.

In 2022-2023, five scientific organizations provided field work for the "Big Scientific Expedition", which studied the impact of industry on biodiversity in an area of 63 thousand sq. km in the Arctic zone of Russia. The most important result of this expedition was the development of an integral indicator of the state of ecosystems in the zone of impact of industrial facilities.

In addition, the project "Fundamental Bases, Methods and Technologies of Digital Monitoring and Forecasting of the Ecological Situation of the Baikal Natural Territory" was implemented.

These projects made it possible to gain new knowledge about nature and develop new technologies to solve pressing problems.

It is also impossible not to note the contribution of the RAS SB to the development of industry, agriculture, transport, construction and other sectors of the economy. The technologies developed by the branch's scientists are of great importance for these spheres and are already finding practical application today.

In 2024, the RAS SB sets itself ambitious tasks. It is planned to develop a new edition of the Comprehensive Development Plan of the Branch until 2035, update the development project of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center "Akademgorodok 2.0", and also restore real levers of management of scientific research in research institutes.

The RAS SB is confident that all the planned plans will be implemented, and the branch will continue to play a leading role in the development of Russian science and technology.

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