Unique Birds to Be Seen at Moscow Zoo

Unique Birds to Be Seen at Moscow Zoo


The official website of the mayor of the capital has announced the opening of a shoebill enclosure at the Moscow Zoo. These rare birds are native to East Africa. There are only about eight thousand of them left in the wild, and they can only be seen in a few zoos in Europe.

This is the first time a shoebill enclosure has been opened at the Moscow Zoo. A young pair will live in it: a male and a female. This species is difficult to breed in captivity. Therefore, all comfortable conditions have been created in the new enclosure for the pair and for the subsequent raising of chicks. These birds are monogamous. Both parents, who share the care of their offspring, participate in the construction of the nest, incubation, and raising of chicks.

The enclosure with a total area of 350 square meters was built on the old territory next to the riding circle. It is divided into two parts - winter and summer. Shoebills are loners. Therefore, the male and female will live in different sections of the enclosure and meet during the breeding season.

Each of the sections of the winter enclosure has a pool and an automatic microclimate system. At the same time, the indoor complex is designed to максимально имитировать естественную среду обитания китоглава. The summer section of the enclosure is divided into three parts, each of which has a reservoir and infrared heaters. Some of the walls of the outdoor complex are covered with wooden structures so that the birds can be alone from visitors.

Shoebills are large birds. Their average height can be more than a meter, and their wingspan reaches up to two meters.The shoebill's beak is shaped like a shoe. The eyes are located on the front of the skull, not on the sides, which allows the bird to clearly see the image of an object with both eyes at the same time.

This species is listed in the International Red Book as vulnerable. The shoebill population is declining due to hunting and habitat change.

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