Arkhangelsk Oblast to Become Part of the "Imperial Route"

Arkhangelsk Oblast to Become Part of the "Imperial Route"


The press service of the Arkhangelsk Oblast government has announced that the region will be included in the federal historical and cultural tourism project "The Imperial Route." The project not only unites existing attractions associated with the imperial House of Romanov but also helps create new museums in historical buildings.

The signing of the agreement on the inclusion of the oblast in the "Imperial Route" will take place in Arkhangelsk on June 30. After the ceremony, the grand opening of the traveling exhibition "Saint Luke - Doctor, Teacher, Shepherd" will take place. The exposition is dedicated to the life, selfless activity, and spiritual feat of the surgeon, professor, doctor of medical sciences Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky - Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea Luka.

The report notes that the Arkhangelsk Oblast has a rich historical and cultural heritage associated with the 300-year period of the reign of the imperial House of Romanov. Emperor Peter I visited Arkhangelsk several times. It was here that he took part in the laying of the first Russian merchant ship "St. Paul." The city was visited by Emperors Alexander I and Alexander II, as well as Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

The Malye Korely Museum-Reserve, the Arkhangelsk Museum of Fine Arts, the Holy Trinity Anthony-Siysky Monastery, and the Mikhail-Arkhangelsk Cathedral may become part of the "Imperial Route." These objects will be visited by a delegation of the "Elizavetinsko-Sergievskoe Educational Society" fund and will assess their tourist potential. They will also visit a unique tourist attraction - the oldest passenger ship in Russia - the paddle steamer "N.V.Gogol", which is on the move and will be able to receive "Imperial Route" tourists.

The "Imperial Route" project has been implemented by the "Elizavetinsko-Sergievskoe Educational Society" fund since 2017. Museums and expositions are being created in various cities of the country, commemorative signs, memorial plaques and monuments are being erected, dedicated to outstanding personalities and significant events of the 300-year history of Imperial Russia.

Every year, children from more than 20 regions of the country travel along the "Imperial Route" as part of the My Russia project of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Branded trains with excursion groups and thematic programs for tourists of different age categories run from Yekaterinburg to Alapaevsk and from Tyumen to Tobolsk.

The inclusion of the Arkhangelsk Oblast in the "Imperial Route" will make it possible to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the region and develop tourism. The project will also contribute to the patriotic education of the younger generation.

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