Tourist demand in Europe increased by 3.4% in the 3Q 2019 - European Commission

Tourist demand in Europe increased by 3.4% in the 3Q 2019 - European Commission


Demand for holidays in Europe in all tourist destinations increased in the third quarter of 2019 by 3.4%. This is stated in the quarterly report "European tourism - trends and prospects" published by the European Commission. 

Despite the growth, the indicator of tourist demand in Europe is the lowest in the last two years. 
Montenegro (+ 18%) and Turkey (+15%) were the undisputed leaders in terms of tourist arrivals during the reporting period. Experts explain the success of the latter primarily by the low exchange rate of the national currency.  

"Despite the very real problems, such as the looming threat of no-deal Brexit and the collapse of several airlines, European destinations are still showing good indicators of tourist arrivals, " commented Eduardo Santander, Executive Director of the European Commission for tourism. 

The largest influx of tourists to Europe still comes from the United States and China. The main supplier of tourists among European countries -Germany is experiencing economic difficulties, which, combined with uncertainty about the outcome of the situation with the exit of the UK from the European Union, can lead to a slowdown in the tourist business in Germany. 

The European Commission expects that in the event of no-deal Brexit, the number of tourist trips to the UK from mainland Europe will decrease by 7% in 2020 and by 8% in 2021.  

By the end of 2019 as a whole, the EU's highest executive body predicts a 3-4 percent increase in tourist arrivals.

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