The results of the global tiger recovery program will be summed up at the forum in September

The results of the global tiger recovery program will be summed up at the forum in September


The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia recalled that in November 2010 in St. Petersburg, at the first International Forum on Problems Related to the Conservation of Tigers on Earth, a declaration on the conservation of the tiger and the Global Restoration Program was adopted.

13 countries of the range of the predator are participating in this initiative.

“The results of the program will be summed up at the second International Forum on Tiger Conservation, which will be held on September 5 in Vladivostok,” the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources reports on its website.

At the tiger summit in 2010, the International Tiger Day was established, which is celebrated on July 29th.

As noted in the Ministry of Natural Resources, the tiger species includes nine subspecies, of which only six have survived by the beginning of the 21st century - Amur, Bengal, Indochinese, Malay, South Chinese (preserved only in captivity) and Sumatran. The Turanian, Balinese and Javanese tigers have disappeared from the face of the Earth.

The only subspecies living in Russia is the Amur tiger.

“Thanks to active conservation work, the population of the Amur tiger in Russia has increased by 15% over the past 10 years, and has a tendency to further growth. The range of the predator has also expanded. If in 2010 the animal lived on the territory of only two regions - Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, now it is already in the Amur and Jewish Autonomous Regions, ”the Ministry of Natural Resources reports.

As noted by the head of the department, Alexander Kozlov, in the 1940s, the number of Amur tigers in the wild in Russia did not exceed 50 individuals.

“It took decades of comprehensive conservation work for the Amur tiger to become the master of the taiga again. The results of the winter continuous count will be summed up in September, but it is already clear that more than 600 of these noble predators live in the Far East. For the first time, an increase in the number was recorded in the Amur Region,” said Kozlov.

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