The Pompeevsky National Park in the Jewish Autonomous Region will be completed in August

The Pompeevsky National Park in the Jewish Autonomous Region will be completed in August


“On your instructions, we are creating the Pompeevsky National Park in the Jewish Autonomous Region. We will complete the design in mid-August, and Pompeevsky will become the last territory needed to maintain a stable population of the Amur tiger,” the minister is quoted on the website of the Russian government.

He also said that this year a complete census of the Amur tiger has been carried out. It turned out that its numbers increased throughout the range - in Primorye, the Amur Region, the Khabarovsk Territory, the Jewish Autonomous Region.

According to the minister, the collected data is available now, and exact data on the number of tigers will be ready in the autumn. But it is already clear that there are more than 600 Amur tigers, while in 2015, when the previous count was carried out, there were 540 animals, Kozlov said.

The media wrote about the plans to create the Pompeevsky National Park back in 2014, noting that in those parts there are multi-species cedar-broad-leaved and fir-spruce forests.

The appearance of the national park, as the media wrote with reference to the Ministry of Natural Resources, is important for preserving the population of the Amur tiger and restoring the population of the goat goral.

It was assumed that the Pompeevsky National Park, together with the Taipingou Nature Reserve (China), located on the other side of the Amur River, would contribute to the formation of a transboundary environmental system.

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