In the period from January to June 2021 the Maldives received 555,494 tourists, most of them came from Russia. This was announced on Monday by the country's tourism ministry on its official website.
According to the ministry, Russians accounted for 24.3% of the total number of foreign guests, followed by citizens of India - 18%. It is noteworthy that in just six months the Maldives practically reached the number of incoming tourists for the entire 2020, when only 555 thousand foreigners got here on vacation.
The Maldivian authorities hope to approach the figures of 2019 when the islands received 1.7 million. Tourist numbers declined in May and June due to a spike in COVID-19 cases calling for tougher travel restrictions. In addition, in May, a ban was introduced on the entry of citizens of a number of Asian countries, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, which traditionally accounted for the lion's share of foreign tourists in this piece of paradise on Earth.