Moscow May Break Tourist Flow Record This Year

Moscow May Break Tourist Flow Record This Year


In his blog, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin spoke about the target indicators that were included in the program for the development of tourism in the capital until 2030. He noted that already this year the tourist flow to Moscow may break the record of 2019, when the city received 25.1 million people. Last year, the indicators closely approached this figure - then the city was visited by 24.5 million tourists.

It is planned that the program for the development of tourism in Moscow until 2030 will double the tourist flow - to 52 million people a year. In addition, the city plans to annually receive about 20 million day trippers - guests who come for one day without an overnight stay.

The capital strives to become the center of all main types of tourism. The most popular is cultural and educational and entertainment tourism. It is planned that in 2030, 24 million guests will come to Moscow for this purpose. This indicator should be slightly less than half of the total tourist flow.

To achieve the target indicators, projects will be developed at cultural and historical sites of the city. For example, the geography of the "Moscow Estates" festival will expand, and new points of attraction will appear in the form of thematic entertainment clusters for families with children.

Event tourism occupies an important place. According to experts, it can attract about 7.3 million guests. Moscow hosts a wide variety of festivals annually: "Moscow Seasons", "Journey to Christmas", "Flower Jam", "Times and Epochs", "Easter Gift", "Moscow Spring". Each of these events attracts millions of guests.

Business tourism is also a promising area. According to estimates, by 2030, the flow of business tourism will reach 8 million people. As practice shows, 40% of business travelers after a while return to the Russian capital for a vacation with their whole family. For businessmen, the calendar of various forums, conferences and exhibitions will be expanded.

"The International Exhibition and Convention Center, which is planned to be built at VDNKh, will become a new center of business tourism. The complex will enrich the high-quality infrastructure for holding international business events, which today includes not only exhibition pavilions, but also more than 150 interesting and cozy city sites, where you can organize any business event," - says the message.

In general, domestic tourism should become the main driver of the development of the tourism industry in the coming years. By 2030, Moscow expects approximately 46 million guests from other regions of Russia. At the same time, favorable conditions will also be created for foreign travelers. It is expected that in 2030 the number of foreign tourists will reach 6 million people, mainly from the CIS countries, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and other parts of the world.

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