In the Arctic, where extreme climatic conditions, sparsely populated and low transport connectivity, the implementation of the law "On Production and Consumption Waste" is difficult and ineffective. At the same time, according to experts, out of about 60 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated annually in Russia, the Arctic region accounts for more than a million tons.
Many experts, writes, are sure that the law needs a separate "Arctic" section – this would help solve the issues of tariff formation and transportation. In addition, alternative methods of waste disposal to incineration would be developed, such as pyrolysis, the development of recycling, the construction of modern landfills and closed-cycle ecotechnoparks.
The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation is currently developing rules for waste management in the Arctic on the example of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
The Arctic Development Project Office (PORA), for its part, invites experts, scientists, businessmen, representatives of federal and regional specialized agencies to discuss the problems of handling MSW.
At the online discussion club meeting on November 15, the discussion will focus on innovative processing methods suitable for the Arctic, ensuring the priority of state policy on the dissemination of these methods.
Earlier, the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova noted that cleaning the Arctic from accumulated garbage will take up to six years.
For its part, the Russian Environmental Operator together with the National Center for Public-Private Partnership announced the launch of a project to create two complexes for the treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste in the Arctic.
And the Norilsk Nickel Company is already implementing the Clean Norilsk project in the Norilsk Industrial District, which has become part of the Clean Arctic federal project.